From Diana and Richard Procter

Created by Stephen 2 years ago
Bill's parents and my mother went out to Rhodesia on the same ship in 1946, and a long friendship was born.  Bill and I shared the same birth year.  Over the years I remember Tiny and Tubby coming out to the farm for a night or two, and my parents popping in to see them on odd trips to Salisbury.  Our family appreciated and admired the determination and hard work on Bill's part with the encouragement and help of his parents and then you Norma. He had all the love and support he needed to achieve his dreams, and his hard work made it a reality. What a wonderful role model for his children, friends and colleagues.

You have kept in touch with me and Richard ever since Mum died, now twenty one years ago, amazing.....and a pretty precious gift for me, thank you.

My love and thoughts
