Alison and Tony Mortimer

Created by Stephen 2 years ago
 I prefer to reply by email as I can't seem to navigate the web page very well !
We have been friends for the years since Tony met Bill in 1969? Tony was working for Van Leer Packaging  at the time and Bill for BA,?It was a busy time for your family and ours  - having babies ,  working,  etc. 
 Birthday parties for the children,  were some of the special memories of our lives in Zimbabwe. Jenny and Jeff are much the same age as Kerry and Stephen. Jenny's 47 and Jeff 45 in December. 
It was sad when you went to live in the UK and various friends dispersed round the world. 

We were so delighted to meet up with you and Bill in  England in 2013 at that memorable reunion lunch at Toby's Restaurant especially when you and Bill made a special trip in the rain. I had some photos but they have got lost in the system! . If I find will send some. 
Thanks for the memories. 
Rest in Peace,  Bill.

Lots of Love 
Alison and Tony Mortimer